Donnie B. Edwin Bibby Brakus
Jason B. Bam Bam Bigelow Tom Branch
Tony B. Luther Biggs Tom Brandi
Pascal Triple B Mr. Biggs Doug Brasher
Ali Baba Bronco Billie (w) Dino Bravo
Giant Baba Nick Billings The Brooklyn Brawler
Shohei Baba Billy Bobo Brazil
The Booty Babe Bischoff Jaxon Breeze
Babu Eric Bischoff Mike Brendell
Baby Billy Black Tom Brewer
Bob Backlund JP Black Jack Brickhouse
Jim Backlund Mr. Black Gerald Brisco
Johnny B.Badd Patrick Black Jack Brisco
Badstreet Rob Black Jerry Brisco
Al Baffert Stanley Blackburn Robert Brisko
Buff Bagwell The Blackhart Steve Brisno
Judy Bagwell The Blackmailer Pascal Brisson
Marcus Alexander Bagwell Steve Blackman Gino Brito
Marcus Bagwell Blacksmith Jack Britton
Lionel Baillargeon Crusher Blackwell GI Bro
Aaron Baker Jerry Blackwell Bruiser Brody
Ox Baker Blade Howard Brody
Dean Baldwin Brian Blair Steve Brody
Adrien Baillargeon B.Brian Blair Little Broken (n)
Tony Baillargeon Tully Blanchard Killer Brooks
Tony Baltimore Torbellino Blanco Rusty Brooks
Bambi Eddie Blanks Robbie Brookside
Dino Bambino Fred Blassie Crusher Broomfield
Bill Banks Alundra Blayze (w) The Brotherhood 2
The Barbarian Blaze Bulldog Brower
Dave Barbie Bobby Blaze Dick Brower
Russ Barker Blazer Bad Leroy Brown
Dick Barkley The Blue Blazer Bad News Brown
The Baron The Blue Blazer (#2) Bob Brown
Donald M. Baron The Blue Blazer (#3) Boogie Woogie Brown
Art Barr Georg "Schurl" Blemenschutz Bozo Brown
Jesse Barr Blitzkreig Brickhouse Brown
Jessie Barr Road Block Bulldog Bob Brown
Pat Barrett Lofty Blomfield Charlie Brown
Black Bart Awesome Blond Charro Brown
Black Bart (#2) (Bart Gunn) Jane Blond (w) Dave Brown
Bodacious Bart Marc Blondin Dennis Brown
Rob Bartlett Black Blood Denny Brown
Mike Barton Lane Bloom D-Lo Brown
Ellis Bashara Lady Blossom Elmer "Pet" Brown
Doug Basham Eli Blu Frank Brown
Basil Jacob Blu Jack Brown
Nicole Bass (w) Nad Blue Jack Brown (#2)
Outlaw Ron Bass Bluedust Jimmy Brown
Ron Bass Bombastic Bob Leroy Brown
Sam Bass Bobcat (w) Luke Brown
El Batallion Nick Bockwinkel Lyman Brown
Batman Big Body Orville Brown
Bart Batten Warren Bockwinkel Phil Brown
Brad Batten Bruiser Body Natie Brown
Battlanger Bodyguard Sweet Georgia Brown
Battlecat Paul Boesch Tiger Jack Brown
Thiebaud Bauer Horace Bolder Jim Browning
Brandon Baxter Kenny Bolin Dwayne Bruce
Bazooka George Bollas The Belfast Bruiser
Bazouka Andre Bollet Con Bruno
Jimmy Beal Rick Bolton Downtown Bruno
Sam Beal Adam Bomb Bobby Bruns
Danny Little Bear Time Bomb Jim Brunzell
Steven Little Bear Axe Bomber Jerry Bryant
Little Bearer (n) Bobby Bonales August Brylla
Paul Bearer Dr. John Bonica Big Bubba
The Beast Bastion Booger Bull Buchanan
Bobby Becker Boom Boom the Volcano (w) Le būcheron de Grenoble
Beckie The Farmer's Daughter (w) Brady Boone Oswald Buchheim
Brian Bedol Johnny Boone Michael Buffer
Brutus Beefcake Jeremy Borash Bunkhouse Buck
Fred Beell Lizzy Borden Buffy
Beetlejuice Steve Borden Tarras Bulba
Ray Belec Ludwig Borga The Bull
Chris Belkas M.Borne Baby Bull
Kay Bell Matt Borne Pit Bull #1
Mike Bell The Boss Pit Bull #2
Sal Bellomo Steve Boss The British Bulldog
Salvatorre Bellomo George Bothner Bulldozer
Ben le King Horace Boulder The Bullet
Mark Benarucci Terry Boulder Bull Bullinski
Jack Bence Boutch Blacktop Bully
Shelton Benjamin Paul Bowser King Kong Bundy
Bennie the Bookie The Lost Boy Al Burke
Chris Benoit Millenium Boy Leo Burke
Bill Berger Ranger Boy Mildred Burke
Paul Berger Sick Boy David Burkhead
C.W. Bergstrom Shark Boy Martin "Farmer" Burns
Berlyn Terry Boy Bill Busch
Brute Bernard Jonathan Boyd Barbara Bush (w)
Jim "Brute" Bernard Janet Boyer Big Bully Busick
Ralph "Wild Red" Berry Steve Boz Butch 'the bushwacker'
Stanley Berush Bob Bradley The Butcher
The Berzerker Boo Bradley Butterbean
Beth (w) Steve Bradley Buzzkill
Beulah (w) Comboy Brady June Byers
Beau Beverly Bradshaw Adrian Byrd
Blake Beverly Blackjack Bradshaw Dawn Marie Bytch (w)
Bialo the Giant Justin Bradshaw Tammy Lynn Bytch